My name is Eva Knoet. I’m an award-winning writer – director whose feature debut, Witte Wolken, had a cinema release. 

I discovered filmmaking as a kid, and have loved learning about filmmaking and cinema ever since, experimenting with different genres and techniques along the way. I went to England and Australia for my degrees in Film Studies. I chose a combination of theoretical and practical modules and wrote my Master’s thesis on Dutch Contemporary Cinema. Since graduating, I have continued my education through script and film analysis, books, webinars, a course on Directing Actors, and screenwriting mentorships.

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More recently, I have learned how to combine my love for adventure and my social conscience in my work. I now write adventure stories with diverse female protagonists, disabled characters, and an element of Climate Storytelling. 

I love the fun of adventure films and feel a great responsibility to portray the underrepresented characters in my stories well. An estimated 25% of adults have a disability, yet only 1,9% of speaking characters had a disability in films in 2022. The adventure genre is not (yet) known for its positive representation of disabled characters. I like to change that by showing disabled characters who are living their lives like everyone else and may have a disability, but they also have skill sets that are necessary to succeed in their quests.